Hydrangeas by the Gate

by Laurie Morgan
Original - Sold
Not Specified
10.000 x 8.000 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Hydrangeas by the Gate
Laurie Morgan
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
One in a series of paintings - flowers by walls or fences. All flowers in the series are grown in my own garden. I've always loved the look and appeal of flowers growing on, over, or around walls, fences and gates. All in this series are 10" x 8" on stretched canvas.
Featured in the group: Visions of Spring/Glances at Summer, Wisconsin Flowers, Pretty in Pink, Waiting Room Art, Art is Good for You, Semi-abstract
August 13th, 2021
Comments (4)

Leanne Seymour
Congratulations, your artwork has been featured on the "Semi Abstract - 1 A Day" group homepage! You are invited to archive your featured image in the discussion thread created for features, along with the date of feature. f/l

Femina Photo Art By Maggie
CONGRATULATIONS! Your excellent image has been featured on the home page of Pretty in Pink Blue or Purple. Thank you for submitting it! You're invited to add it to the featured thread in our discussions section. l/f

Randy Rosenberger
Hurrah for having your artwork chosen to be a featured piece on our homepage this week. You have many fine pieces in your portfolio of your works, and I am happy you chose this one to submit for possible featuring in our group on the homepage. It now has reached that goal of being featured in our group, a family of friends and fine artists of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery Group. Congratulations on this fine accomplishment