Guest Cottage

by Laurie Morgan
Original - Sold
Not Specified
12.000 x 16.000 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Guest Cottage
Laurie Morgan
Painting - Oil On Canvas
My early oil painting days of cottages, houses, doors and windows. I have continued painting similar subject matter in acrylic, watercolor and pastels. I still love the juxtaposition of man-made structures and nature.
Featured in the Groups: Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery, Lady Photographers and Artists, Waiting Room Art, Semi Abstract
February 24th, 2009
Comments (4)

Promoting this lovely artwork in the Semi Abstract group "HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS - 2 A DAY" and "SEMI ABSTRACT BUILDINGS - 3 A DAY" and "BLUE SEMI ABSTRACTS - MUST BE MOSTLY BLUE" discussion threads! tw

Leanne Seymour
Congratulations for your feature with this image on the Semi Abstract - 1 A Day group homepage. Please be sure to add this image in the group discussions area created for archiving of features along with the date of feature.....thank you. F

Randy Rosenberger
Bravo! You have been chosen to have your beautiful piece of artwork from your portfolio featured on the homepage of our Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery Group. It is with honor an privilege that I have chosen this particular piece of your works to be a feature on our homepage due to its striking appearance, color, composition, and simply the fact that I really like it. Congrats on your feature!