A Watchful Eye

by Laurie Morgan
Buy the Original Painting
5.500 x 8.500 inches
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A Watchful Eye
Laurie Morgan
Painting - Pastels
This mother duck comes to my backyard every year, mates with a drake, and lays her eggs. They hatch and she brings them down the hill into my pool. The first year she had 6 ducklings. The next year she had 12; and a month or so later, had 10 more! The wander around my yard eating bugs, worms and snails. For the first brood I put out some dog food and lettuce. But I realized they found food on their own very quickly. Sadly, several, if not all of them die, one way or another. Hawks, owls, raccoons, opossums and other predators live near and can find and catch them easily. The mortality rate is pretty low. I guess that's why nature allows her to have so many at a time; to hopefully increase the rate of survival. I took hundreds of photos as they grew and changed.The last batch were in my yard for about a month. This painting expresses the mother's devotion to her babies. She had a watchful eye on them all the time. When anybody went in our yard, she would make them all jump in the pool. She must have recognized me, because she often stayed out of the pool when I went outside. I hope she senses that I'm not a threat. The ducks are darling, but messy! But I wouldn't want them to stop hatching in my backyard. They are a joy to watch!
June 23rd, 2017
Comments (9)

Congratulations Laurie for your feature of this image on the "Semi Abstract - 1 A Day" group homepage! You are invited to archive this image with the date of feature in the "Archived Home Page Features For Members Here" discussion thread. f/l

Randy Rosenberger
Your artwork recently submitted to our group WFS, has been chosen to be featured on our homepage with other members of our family of friends and fine artists. Thanks for sharing the beauty.