Victorian Skaters

by Laurie Morgan
Original - Sold
Not Specified
2.000 x 2.000 inches
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Victorian Skaters
Laurie Morgan
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas Board
This painting is only 2" x 2". A friend of mine's mother was battling cancer. She wanted to give her something from love that was timeless and long-lasting and would give her joy. She commissioned me in 2012 to paint a miniature for her mother's dollhouse. Her mother adored this dollhouse. Her mother passed away 3 years after. And my friend has the lasting memory of her mother's dollhouse and all the miniatures to remind her every day of her love.
Featured in the Groups: Valentine's Day, Valentines’ Day, All Glorious Gardens (winter gardens), Wisconsin Wildflowers and Scenery, Bridges,
November 13th, 2012
Comments (7)

Carol Senske
F/L. Congratulations on your All Glorious Gardens feature - Gardener Greetings. Lovely:>)

Randy Rosenberger
You have many fine pieces in your portfolio of your works, and I am happy you chose this one to submit for possible featuring in our group on the homepage. It now has reached that goal of being featured in our group, a family of friends and fine artists of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery Group. Congratulations on this fine accomplishment

Debra Lynch
Laurie I feel so lucky to make the first comment on this sweet work. With Christmas being close, I think now is a great time to show this beauty, there are so many wonderful ways this beautiful art work could be displayed, I could even see it on a beautiful Christmas ornament, I'd sure buy a bunch of them. L/F/P/Fb