Take Me Away

by Laurie Morgan
Original - Sold
Not Specified
12.000 x 16.000 inches
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Take Me Away
Laurie Morgan
Painting - Oil On Canvas
I saw similar rock formations in Cabo, but I wanted this to look like it could be anywhere. The color of the water just makes me happy. The boat is just waiting to take me away.
Featured in the Groups: Images that Excite, Pretty Pink Blue, Waiting Room Art, Wisconsin Wildflowers and Scenery
October 31st, 2018
Comments (3)

Randy Rosenberger
Hurrah for having your artwork chosen to be a featured piece on our homepage this week. You have many fine pieces in your portfolio of your works, and I am happy you chose this one to submit for possible featuring in our group on the homepage. It now has reached that goal of being featured in our group, a family of friends and fine artists of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery Group. Congratulations on this fine accomplishment