Tahoe in Early Fall

by Laurie Morgan
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 16.000 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Laurie Morgan Official Website secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Tahoe in Early Fall
Laurie Morgan
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Lake Tahoe, Nevada/California, USA. This lovely turn in the lake just to the right of Emerald Bay, captured my eye. The water is such a gorgeous combination of deep blues and greens, turquoises and aquas. And the mountains rising above the tree line are so majestic. The rocky coastline is a delightful contrast to the greens and blues.
Featured in the Groups: Images that Excite, Semi Abstract, Travel Art, Reflections Rainbow, Glimpses of Autumn, All Stars, Wisconsin Wildflowers and Scenery
January 10th, 2020
Comments (10)

Randy Rosenberger
Surprise for you today! Your piece of beautiful artwork that you have submitted to our Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group has been chosen by its administrator to be featured on our Homepage of our family of friends and fine artists within our group, which is constantly growing. Congratulations are in order for you for being chosen to appear in this prestigious spot within the Homepage of the WFS group. Thanks much for sharing the beauty of your artwork with other artists and potential buyers.

Gary F Richards
Magnificent capture, lighting, shading and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest OH THOSE BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAINS - GROUP MEMBERS ONLY

Gary F Richards
Spectacular capture, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the ALL THE BEAUTIFUL SHORELINES - GROUP MEMBERS ONLY contest!

Tatiana Travelways
Congratulations - Your beautiful artwork has been featured in the "Travel Art" gallery! For further promotion, you can post it to the specific Travel Destinations galleries, our Facebook group and our Pinterest board - all the links are provided on our group's homepage: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/1-travel-art.html * * Want to be on our group's blog: travelartpix.com? Check the group's homepage for details!