An Autumn Stroll

by Laurie Morgan
Buy the Original Painting
5.000 x 7.000 inches
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An Autumn Stroll
Laurie Morgan
Painting - Watercolor
This is painted from a stroll I took near the edge of Lake Tahoe. It was early fall and the leaves were just starting to change, but still lots of green ones left. The trees were casting lovely shadows on the path. The actual scene had much more dense trees, but I wanted to give it a more airy faraway look, so I eliminated many trees. The leafless tree was not in the actual scene, but I put it there to anchor the right side of the painting. I felt there were enough leaves on the other trees, so decided to highlight the branches instead. I'm happy with the contrast.
November 11th, 2017
Comments (7)

Sharon Williams Eng
Very nice. I like that you included a leaning, dead tree. Adds an interesting element.

Randy Rosenberger
Your artwork recently submitted to our group WFS, has been chosen to be featured on our homepage with other members of our family of friends and fine artists. Thanks for sharing the beauty.